Urgency for people

Today I was driving two wheeler . I reside in Chennai (mentioned for the viewers to imagine about the traffic conditions). I was not going for work or any official purpose , was just going to a shop so i did not have any urgency . One common thing which i observed while driving was people when overtaking vehicles they just see if their vehicle can go in that space. My view is why people don't think of the clearance space which is needed when you overtake the vehicle because if the vehicle moving in front of you can move slightly right or left ,in that case the vehicle behind needs  to apply sudden brakes or the vehicle might hit some corner or the edge of the vehicle leading to topple of the vehicle which might lead to major accidents.From my opinion the person could wait for some 2 or 3 minutes ,he might end up landing at the office some 10 minutes later ,which he can compensate by leaving earlier.

For example think of a person who has met accident will be admitted in the hospital ,he needs to pay the hospital bills ,he will have a financial loss ,he might even lose his job and then he may go to temples to pray for his problems to get solved.

From my opinion if you think even for 10 mins on why are you suffering from a problem ,you will come to know that you are the only reason of the problems.If we are little  bit conscious we would solve our problems easily without depending on others and we understand that we are the only source of our problems (majoriy 99 percent ) there may be some 1percent problems which are caused by external factors which does not have a major impact in our life if we think consciously.
